PMU Saline Tattoo Lightening in Philadelphia & New Jersey

If you have an unwanted PMU tattoo you want to be lightened our studio specializes in the innovative saline method. This technique uses a safe saline solution to gently lift pigment over multiple sessions for excellent tattoo fading results with minimal side effects.

How Does PMU Saline Tattoo Lightening Work?

Saline lightening involves injecting a sterile saline solution into the skin above the tattoo using thin needles. The salt solution is gently worked over and around the inked area using specialized techniques to break up the pigment. Over 4-8 week intervals between sessions, the body’s immune response gradually flushes away the pigment particles safely.

Benefits of PMU Saline Tattoo Removal

Saline PMU lightening performed by our skilled technicians offers many advantages. Including:

1. Gentler Technique

The saline gently lifts pigment over time rather than aggressively zapping particles in one blast during laser removal. This reduces trauma to the skin.

2. Fewer Scarring Risks

With the immunoblot technique, there is far less damage to collagen and other structures that can lead to permanent scar tissue formation compared to lasers.

3. Effective Multi-Color Ink Fading

Saline effectively lifts all pigment colors over time, unlike lasers that struggle to remove certain stubborn pigments.

4. Gradual Results

The more gradual lightening looks natural rather than abrupt light patches from lasers.

5. Shorter Healing Times

Clients experience only minimal redness for a couple of days versus more intense swelling and blistering from laser sessions.

6. No Harsh Chemicals

As a simple salt solution, saline is far safer than using potentially hazardous fading chemicals.

7. More Comfortable Process

The immunoblotting technique involves relatively gentle injections rather than the hot laser zapping sensation.

Overall, saline lightening performed by our seasoned technicians makes tattoo fading safer, gentler, and more effective.

What To Expect During PMU Tattoo Lightening Sessions

Our lightening process is designed to be as quick, comfortable, and effective as possible:

  • Consultation – We assess your tattoo condition, placement, layers of ink, and color composition to develop a customized plan and estimate the sessions needed.

  • Topical Anesthetic – A prescription topical anesthetic cream is applied to numb the skin prior to injections.

  • Saline – Using fine needles, saline is skillfully injected both around and into the tattooed skin using advanced techniques to lift pigment.

  • Aftercare – We clean and apply a protective film over the treated area and provide detailed aftercare instructions to follow.

  • Follow-Ups – Additional sessions every 4-8 weeks continue lightening and removing traces of the unwanted tattoo over time.


Curious to learn more? Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

  • Most PMU tattoos require 1-6 sessions spaced 4-8 weeks apart for optimal fading.

  • Some mild discomfort is felt during injections, but we use anesthesia to minimize this. Gentle massage feels soothing afterward.

  • The area usually shows minimal redness for a couple of days. Using aftercare gel and avoiding the sun prevents scabbing.

  • Lightening is noticeable after a few sessions. Most are pleased with 80%+ fading after 2-3 saline sessions.

Contact Haddonfield & Philadelphia's Leading PMU Studio

If you have PMU regret, come experience our saline lightening technique for safer, effective treatment of unwanted ink. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!